On James Spader

RichTakes! On James Spader

The only big three network show that I’ve followed for the past ten years is NBC’s “The Blacklist”. It has a lot of things going on, even if it would work as a DC comic. It may have only run for seven years, I don’t know. I’m too lazy to do the research.

The premise is that Spader’s character Raymond Reddington is an international crime boss who is a do-gooder at heart. He is also number one on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. He somehow struck up a deal to share intel with the FBI, who created a dark team to work with him to take down some of the world’s worst criminals, which they didn’t even know existed. Over the course of years, they took out many of the criminals on Reddington’s “Blacklist”.

The other main character is Elizabeth Keene, who was the daughter of a Russian spy. She killed her father at age five during some huge incident when the house burnt down in Wisconsin. Raymond may also be Russian. He at the very least has “friends in the east”. It’s a good bet that Raymond is not who he says he is, and no one really knows who he really is during the entire series. The plot twist is that Raymond is trying to protect Elizabeth through the end. From what? Keene is an FBI “profiler” although there is not much in the show to show that.

I have over 50 episodes recorded in my DVR, but sadly lost the first twenty or so. If you can find a way to binge the Blacklist, do it.

When Spader was much younger he did a few movies which had critical acclaim, but maybe not so much box-office. 

The first was “Sex, Lies, and Videotape” during which he interviewed several women about their sex life from a completely disinterested  perspective, and recorded them on VHS.

The second was “Secretary”  which explored masochism. I’m pretty sure it did no box office at all. 

Watch both.

On Taking The Mask Off

I wrote this post over three years ago, but I never posted it. I have no idea why. It seems even more important today.

I have no idea if the links still work, but I suspect that most of them still do.

Original post:

Welcome to RichTakes! On Taking The Mask Off

Obama campaigned that in five days, we will fundamentally transform the United States of America, and the supporters at his rally in Chicago cheered. Why would anyone wish to fundamentally transform the most successful experiment in self-governance in the history of mankind? A country which was formed in a grand compromise which guaranteed individual sovereignty and rights, as well as the 13 former British Colonies who were now States coming together to create a limited federal government which guaranteed the rights of the People and of the States freedom and liberty with safe guards in place to prevent our federal government from encroaching upon our basic, God-given rights?

The wisdom of our Constitutional Republic that our Founders agreed to in our Constitution unleashed nearly two hundred years of progress and technological advancement with little government intervention that those brave souls didn’t even dream of. When government is limited, man’s creativity is unleashed. Our noble experiment created the most prosperous nation in history, and we changed the world. 

Have you noticed how Democrats always refer to “our Democracy” when we do not have a democratic form of government? There is a good reason for that too. Our Founders were terrified about a democratic form of governance, realizing that it would always end with mob rule, and further, the former colonies would have never agreed to a democracy since smaller states would have next to no say compared to the larger states at the time (PA, MA, NY, and VA). Our Constitution was ratified because it protected individual rights, and state’s rights. If the People’s rights and the State’s rights were not protected, we would not have created a new country at the start.

In 2016, Donald J. Trump got elected. During the 2018 mid-terms, the Democrats picked up 46 seats in the House and the Republicans added a few seats to their majority in the Senate.

Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House again, as I warned, and now she has a hornet’s nest worth of PR to lie about, since a few freshman members of the House are taking the mask off, which most Democrats have been trying to hide for decades. In the long run, they agree with everything about A-Och’s Green New Deal, they just didn’t want to come out publicly about it. It has been obvious for decades. They are all Democratic Socialists, most just don’t wish to admit it. In case you don’t know, democratic-socialism is no different than pure socialism, leading to straight-out communism. As the Green New Deal illustrates, they are using false science climate-change talking points to get to that point. 

I am delighted that the Democrats are taking the socialist marxist mask off. I’ve known it for decades, but now suddenly they are bragging about it.

5 insane provisions in the amnesty omnibus bill

If I were Trump,I would have vetoed this, it makes things far worse for encouraging our invasion further instead of taking steps to stop it.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Releases Green New Deal Outline : NPR

We only have 12 years according to AOC before we’re toast. Yet it will take 10 years to implement the end of the internal combustion engine, end all nuclear, gas, oil and coal energy plants, replace jets with high speed rail, and end cow farting. I say screw it. We’re really talking about ten years of pain when it will be all over in 12 years anyway.


The original FAQs summary which was pulled after one day. It is literally insane.

Platform of the National-Socialist German Workers’ Party

This looks really similar to FDR’s “Second Bill of Rights” which the New Green Disaster mimics point by point. We should learn from the past.

The “Wind and Solar Will Save Us” Delusion | Our Finite World

>>In 2015, fossil fuels accounted for 86% of the world’s energy consumption, and nuclear added another 4%, based on data from BP Statistical Review of World Energy. Thus, the world’s “preferred fuels” made up only 10% of the total. Wind and solar together accounted for a little less than 2% of world energy consumption.<<

Media Hysteria: Climate Change ‘Heat Records’ Are a Huge Data Manipulation

Does The Green New Deal Give Handouts To ‘Unwilling Workers’? Here’s What It Actually Says

AOC Defends Her Tax Plan: Isn’t $10 Million a Year Enough?

The 10 Most Insane Requirements Of The Green New Deal

AOC’s Green New Deal Proposal Is One Of The Stupidest Documents Ever Written | Daily Wire

Green New Deal Would Barely Change Earth’s Temperature. Here Are the Facts.

The “Wind and Solar Will Save Us” Delusion | Our Finite World

Democrats’ ‘Green New Deal’ Is Really A Call For Enviro-Socialism | Investor’s Business Daily

AOC also thinks that billionaires need to be outlawed too.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Said Any System that Allows ‘Billionaires to Exist’ While Others Get Ringworm Is Fundamentally Immoral.

Cow farts were also mentioned in the GND. Cory Booker, aspiring Sparticus POTUS candidate, and vegan says that eating meat is not sustainable. End corporate production, restrict production to hip small farms. Booker also supports the fictional Green New Deal.

AOC Declares Herself ‘The Boss’ Thanks To Climate Change. This Is Wrong, Stupid, And Dangerous.

She be da boss

Continue reading On Taking The Mask Off

Rest In Peace, Jonnie Owens Gee

My mother told me that our cousin Jonnie passed last November or December from complications of Covid. Rest in peace, Jonnie Owens Gee.

Our national response to this novel virus is a disgrace. Telling patients to go home and suffer it out, and check into the hospital to die is not now and never has been a good plan when there are proven anti-viral and cheap effective drugs available when given in the first five days of infection.
I’m talking about monoclonal antibotics, as well as Ivermection and Hydroxy-Clororquin, (HCQ) administered during the early days of symptoms.
But they are not FDA approved! Guess what, the vaccines being promoted are not FDA approved either, and now we know that they don’t even work, if that means preventing you from being infected with SARS-Cov-2. Preventing infection is exactly the definition of what a “vaccine” means.
We have been prescribing off-label medications for decades. We have all heard of Viagra. ED treatment with Viagra is off label. But it works, and is happily prescribed. Think about it.
I miss you Jonnie. I’m sure I’ll see you again one day.

Occupy Wall Street? Occupy DC!

Occupy Wall Street? Occupy DC!

Can you imagine the reaction if George Dubbya Bush or Donald Trump would have brought in 15,000 National Guard into our fair capital city? To say nothing of the 25,000 they actually did, while under no threat. It’s all about optics, folks. Pelosi and Schumer believe that anyone who didn’t vote for the senile, perverted, bribed and corrupted Joe “Beau” Biden is a domestic terrorist, especially anyone who thinks that there was major fraud in our election process. 

So while anyone who didn’t vote for Biden needs de-programming and re-education, they are probably still racists and worse. Give me a break.

ANTIFA and BLM attacked the White House last summer, and they were supposedly expressing a peaceful protest, even while they were trying to burn an historic church down.

The Democrats and their ANTIFA and BLM friends are the real fascists. Plain and simple.

The new Democrat regime has said that the National Guard will occupy DC until March at least, to protect their fascism against you and me. Like that was a thing anyway.

On Are You Kidding Me?

Are You Kidding Me?

The Chinese, who Trump had been turning the screws on since before he was elected launched a new virus upon the world. They claimed it was not transmissible, while they were restricting travel from Wuhan Province to the rest of China. International travel from Wuhan seemed to be okay though. They would have us to believe that it started from a bat in a live market in Wuhan which was native 600 miles away when there is a class four biological lab (think CDC Atlanta) which the US invested millions in less than two miles away.

President Trump screwed up, he listened to Fauci, the NIH, the CDC and the WHO when we now know that none of this lockdown stuff had any basis in science or reality. They were merely parroting Chinese talking points, which were all lies. As a result, we were all subjected to a year of tyranny mostly from blues states, but from many red states as well.

If the Chinese goal was to remove Trump as POTUS, they were successful. Democrats, such as New York’s Cuomo and Michigan’s Whitmer were happy to play right into this false narrative.

In the meantime, when Hunter Biden’s laptop went unclaimed at a Delaware computer repair shop, the mainstream media and most social sites claimed that was Russian dis-information. FaceBook and Twitter blocked the NY Post story before the election, with no reason other than trying to effect the outcome of the election. Everyone except OAN, Newsmax and FNC claimed that it was Russian disinformation.

Tony Bobulinski appeared once or twice with Tucker Carlson to set the facts straight. He was brought onboard to help set up a deal with China, in which “the Big Guy” was to receive 10%. He validated several emails on Hunter Biden’s notebook. He also got screwed by the Biden family. he didn’t receive a dime, the deal never went through with the Chinese energy company. Does that sound familiar? Burisma in Ukraine was a natural gas company. The Chinese energy company, once the largest in China has since been dissolved, and the head director has disappeared and is presumed dead.

We can get into the massive vote fraud and unconstitutional voting procedures later that we experienced in the the general 2020 election. For now, I’d like to leave you with an extremely relevant documentary about HIV/AIDS from 2009 which Michael Thau brought to my attention at RedState. It turns out that AIDS has no real definition, AZT kills people faster than Chemo therapy, and there is no real scientific link to HIV and AIDS. Yet the very same scientific community claiming unsubstantiated epidemics in the 80s are doing the exact same thing today with SarsCov2, aka, the Wuhan flu, COVID19 or whatever you might want to call it.

So here is the matinee of the day. It’s 90 minutes from 2009, and starts at around the 4:30 mark. You can back it up to the start if you want, but I don’t think it’s necessary.

Here’s a reminder about why I’m done with FaceBook:


See you next time!

On the President-Elect

CNN, the AP and Fox News does not get to decide who the President-elect is. Biden and Harris claiming said status doesn’t mean a thing.

We have a Constitution for a reason, and none of the bench-marks for President-elect have yet been met, not by a long-shot.

Manufacturing votes with mail-in ballots under the cover of darkness in several Democrat cities and states (NV, AZ, MI, WI, PA, GA, NC) does not an election make. Look for thousands of these votes to be tossed in the next week or two, and don’t be surprised if this lasts into December.

This fraud which has disenfranchised legitimate votes makes Bush v Gore look like child’s-play.

Don’t drink the Kool-Aid. The media does not get to decide the winner of our elections.

Ballot Clerks in Wisconsin Allegedly Added Witness Statements To Thousands of Invalid Ballots

Dick Morris Lays out How Trump Can Win, ‘Don’t Buy the Kool Aid That This Race Is Over’

The Supreme Court provisionally allowed ballots to be counted if they arrived before Friday, November 6 and were postmarked before election day, November 3rd and ordered late votes to be segregated. When Justice Alito was informed that the state had not segregated the late votes, as required in the Court’s decision, Alito reaffirmed the necessity of enforcing the court order.

Biden currently leads by 37,000 votes in Pennsylvania. The number of late arriving ballots likely far exceeds this total (the state has not published this information). Justice Alito and a Court majority may throw out the late ballots, likely delivering the state to Trump.

This is not exactly correct, the Supremes did not allow mail in votes received after the polls closed on Tuesday to be provisionally counted. The law is clear, each state legislature decides and defines the manner of voting on the first Tuesday in November as clearly stated in Article II of the Constitution. The Democrat Governor in Pennsylvania sued in the PA Supreme Court after the PA legislature declined to amend election law and unilaterally decided to change PA election law unlawfully. The Executive and the Judicial branch in PA have no jurisdiction that entitles them to change state election law unilaterally.

Clark County, NV Election Official: We Have Reports of Voter Fraud But Won’t Investigate… Yet

1. Dead people voting

2. Non Nevadans voting

3. Republicans kept from voting

4. Kids voting https://t.co/edsqs9AIF

5. Whistle-blowers who have seen the corrupt set up to count illegal votes

6. No ability for GOP to watch the counting

7. No real signature verifications

Continue reading On the President-Elect