On An Inquiry

RichTAkes! On an Inquiry

A conversation between President Trump and the newly elected Ukrainian President, who campaigned on ending corruption in Ukraine somehow became an impeachable offense. 

When news of the “Whistle-blower” who really wasn’t came out, Trump surprised nearly everyone and released the transcript of the call, which is Classified at minimum, by definition.

I have read the transcript, and although somewhat clunky, it is exactly how I’d want our commander In Chief to interact with another Head of State.

I want to know who will be prosecuted under the Espionage Act for releasing a biased summary of the call.

No matter, Nancy Pelosi, who just months ago stated that impeachment should not be pursued unless there was a clear reason, with bi-partisan support, or else it would tear our country apart allowed a vote yesterday which allowed Adam Schiff to continue to do just that.

The official Impeachment Inquiry vote simply allows Schiff to keep on doing what he has been doing behind closed doors in a SCIF room for viewing classified information, even though none of this testimony is actually classified. He just doesn’t want you or me to see the testimony.

He has no issues with leaking whatever he thinks is detrimental to Trump.

I still haven’t seen any evidence of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” In fact, there has been no mention of a crime of any sort. Clinton actually committed crimes. Nixon was accused of committing crimes by a cover-up before he resigned. Trump? Still no crime, so I guess that Pelosi, Nadler and Shiff will simply invent a crime.

But first, Robert Francis O’Rourke has dropped out of the race 

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On Skipping Class

A 16 YO says: “I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day.”

I say, whose fault is it that she “feels fear”? I suggest it is solely due to a politicized scientific hoax perpetuated by politicians and educators in order to institute even more central government control by the ruling class over peoples lives and life-style. Of course, at 16, she is obviously too ignorant to realize that.

Our planet has not warmed significantly over the last two decades. It has pretty much flat-lined, in fact. That doesn’t stop the warming alarmists from spreading lies as fact, with the result that our youth are getting worked up into a panicked frenzy. It’s a marxist trap.

Our earth has been warming for roughly the last four or five hundred years after emerging from the Little Ice Age. That is a good thing too. Many geologists and climatologists say that we are over-due for another little ice age, and that is far more scary to me than a degree or two of warming over the next century.

Do you want to eliminate green house gases? We’d all be dead, life on earth would cease to exist. 95% of GHG is simply water vapor. You know, clouds. Vegetation loves CO2 as well. It is not a pollutant, CO2 is the basis for life on earth. Animals, including mammals like us, eat carbon-based stuff, inhale oxygen, and oxidize the food which is exactly the same as a bonfire, in order to use the nutrients and energy contained. We exhale CO2 as a by-product.

Plants, on the other hand, strip the carbon out of CO2 as a food source, and release the O2, oxygen. Plants love CO2. It’s the circle of life, literally. While we have been increasing CO2 from 300 PPM to 400 PPM, commercial greenhouses typically increase CO2 to 1200 PPM. Our planet earth has seen many times with much higher levels of CO2 than 400 PPM.

It would be a good thing if we end the man-caused global scare-mongering concerning this issue. Now.

Students around the world skip class to demand action on climate

On The Wall

I’ve been railing against the invasion of illegal aliens for thirty years. Walls are dumb, they have been around for at least 4000 years because they work.  President Trump and the Republicans in Congress need to hold out until they can pass legislation and appropriations to secure our border. Defending our nation is the first order of business, it’s far past time to actually do it.

The McAllen southern Texas Sector has only about half of the border fenced or barriers installed. It is no wonder that 96% of their apprehensions occur in the western area with no barrier. This single sector of our southern border makes around 700 or more apprehensions each week. Drug cartels insert “migrants” who turn themselves in to the Border Patrol, while at the same time they are smuggling drugs a few miles away.

A wall alone will not solve the problem, we also need to eliminate the magnets that draw alien invaders to begin with. We should start with bogus asylum policies which as it stands today means that anyone Other Than Mexican with one foot on our soil can claim asylum. Illegally crossing our border purely for economic reasons is not grounds to claim asylum. Demonstrating good reason that the government that you’re fleeing will kill, imprison or otherwise persecute you, however is good grounds. That is not the case for 99% of these illegal invaders.

With 750,000 back-logged asylum cases awaiting a hearing, over a three year wait, ICE has no choice but to release those apprehended on our soil, after issuing a notice to appear. Less than 10% ever show up to their hearing, and are ruled deported, even though we have no idea really who they are or where they are at. We need to set up INS courts in each of the 14 border sectors and fast-track the hearings within two weeks. End catch & release.

With medical care, education and in many cases housing, the costs to taxpayers are skyrocketing. Illegal aliens in many respects have more rights than American citizens.

Finally, nothing will change significantly unless our willy-nilly policy of granting birth-right citizenship to anyone born in the USA is ended. Contrary to what many believe, the 14th Amendment has never granted citizenship based solely on the fact that a child was born in the USA. Granting citizenship status to all is a fairly recent phenomina. The Supreme Court, nor any lower court has never ruled on it either. This is perhaps the biggest magnet of all, and it is not limited solely to illegal aliens. Legal aliens here on visas of any sort also take advantage of our idiocy.

Welcome to RichTAkes! On The Wall

Border walls only work if illegal immigration is…illegal

There is only one way to stop illegal immigration, and it’s quite easy. Make illegal immigration unambiguously illegal, once and for all.

President Trump has full constitutional power to stop the border invasion – even without Congress

The bottom line is that we need to repel the invasion, not manage it.

Sorry Democrats, Trump Has The Power To Declare A National Emergency For A Border Wall

H.R.3884 – 94th Congress (1975-1976): National Emergencies Act | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

The law requires the POTUS to cite why there is a National Emergency when declaring a National Emergency and allows Congress to terminate it in 180 day intervals with a Resolution from both the House and the Senate.

Nancy Pelosi Whines That a Border Wall Discriminates Against People Entering Illegally

Duh! The law necessarily discriminates against law-breakers. Isn’t that why we have laws to begin with?

US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

No problem for Democrats here. 5.7 billion to upgrade and extend the border barrier is a problem? Obama’s 787 Billion complete waste of money “Stimulus” Bill wasn’t a problem for Dems either, was it?

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On Obstruction and Derangement

Welcome to RichTAkes! on Obstructing Justice.

Since Hillary lost the election and Trump won, Democrats everywhere have been determined to undermine his Presidency at every turn. So far, they’ve been very successful by pressuring Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from anything related to Russia, and doing the same to Nunez in the House. Neither was justified, I don’t recall Holder or Lynch recusing themselves over issues where there were obvious conflicts of interest. Holder was held in contempt of the House over Fast and Furious testimony, and Lynch met with Slick Willy Clinton in a plane which no one was supposed to know about on a Saturday last summer, and on the following Monday, FBI Director Comey held a presser in which he laid out a case for prosecution of Hillary over her illegal email server, and then said that no prosecutor would proceed. 

The very day after the loss, Hillary and company blamed it on the Russians, obviously, she could not have been to blame. TDS PSA

That claim was a complete hoax from Day One. 

Trump’s firing of James Comey was completely justified, even if he totally screwed up the messaging. FBI Directors do not hold Press Conferences about recommending a prosecution or not to the DOJ, and in all fairness, AG Loretta Lynch put Comey in that position by publicly stating that she would defer to his recommendation, (after meeting with Willy on the tarmac) and we all knew that the fix was in. Comey’s ridiculous whiney testimony to the committee the week before his dismissal was reason enough. “What should I do? Reveal, or conceal” Really Comey? It’s not fair is it? I bet you “know your rights” too, don’t cha? I hear crap like that from my kids, I certainly don’t need to hear it from the FBI Director. You’re Fired!

The Russian collusion story line doesn’t seem to be getting much traction, so now the latest Democrat talking point says “Obstruction of Justice” Really? There was an FBI counter-intelligence investigation into the Russian collusion, coordination, or whatever going on at the FBI when Comey was dismissed, and that investigation was not impeded at all. A counter-intelligence investigation is not the same as a criminal investigation. Comey was not “leading” that investigation anymore than he was leading any of the other thousand or more current ongoing FBI investigations at any given time. The counter-intelligence investigation would ask if the Russians “hacked” the election, what did they do, how did they do it, what effects did it have, and how can we take measures to impede those efforts in the future. The truth is, the Russians did not “hack” the election by any reasonable standard.

We now have a new Deputy Attorney General, and he took about three days in office to appoint a “Special Counsel” to investigate all of this nonsense, The problem is, a Special Counsel has all of the same powers as an Independent Prosecutor, even if there is no evidence of any underlying crime. So far there is not any evidence of coordination or collusion, let alone a crime having been committed.

This will take years to complete, and months to even start up at a cost of millions of dollars just for the openers. All because Hillary wanted to blame the Russians for her loss in November.

Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties

Barack Obama’s team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

They only admitted that they were violating the law after the election.

N.S.A. Halts Collection of Americans’ Emails About Foreign Targets – The New York Times

John Brennan, Obama loyalist and CIA director, drove FBI to investigate Trump associates

He had no evidence of any crime.

[VIDEO] – Dianne Feinstein says there is NO evidence of Trump/Russia collusion

John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

A supporter of the American Communist Party at the height of the Cold War, Brennan brought into the CIA a raft of subversives and gave them plum positions from which to gather and leak political espionage on Trump.

‘Shattered’ Revelation: Clinton Campaign Hatched Russian Hacking Narrative 24 Hours After Hillary’s Loss

It simply can not be Hillary’s fault. She still has not owned up to her loss.

Continue reading On Obstruction and Derangement

On Hell Freezes Over


After 108 years the Chicago Cubs, the winningest team in baseball, finally won another World Series. 

Next, a mostly life-long Democrat, when he wasn’t Reform Party, or allegedly Republican, Donald Trump not only won the Republican nomination for President, he also soundly whipped Hillary Clinton this past Tuesday to become President-Elect. Surely Hell must have frozen over!

Stranger things have happened, but not in my lifetime.


If you have looked at this blog, you know that I have not been a Trump supporter, or a Clinton supporter, not by a long-shot, or even close to the broad side of a barn. 

Still, I wish him well, and pray that he is successful in steering the rudder of our USS United States Ship of State. Congratulations, Donald Trump, you pulled off the impossible. 

My Gut Was Right About Trump

“ … the issues are irrelevant, because the product Trump was selling is himself. And Trump is a master persuader…”


Here is a guy who has taken two sides to nearly every major issue, and several I couldn’t disagree with more. But I’m willing to give him a chance. Occupying the Oval Office tends to sober a person up real quick, and Trump doesn’t drink or smoke. He may have other vices, but hey, he’s 70 years old already!

I wasn’t a never Trumper, but I was very close. I supported Ted Cruz, he has a resume a mile long, and he took a stand against Obamacare, even if it was a mostly symbolic exercise in the Senate. Cruz did not shut down the government, which only affected 15% or so of non-essential services anyway, Obama shut the government down by refusing to sign legislation that the House sent him for spending. Boehner and McConnell caved, when they could have made a difference if only they stood their ground. Cruz pointed out their Republican hypocrisy, and for thanks, the GOP establishment aimed their guns at him, as well as other fine conservative members of the House and Senate. While the TEA Party and classical liberal conservatives gave the Republicans the House and later the Senate, for thanks the GOP took aim at conservatives..

Now it is up to Trump to save the Republican Party. That thought is not only scary, it is also ironic.

The Republican Party set the stage for someone like Trump to get the nomination by not pushing back in any significant way against Obama’s policies. The people have spoken loud and clear that we don’t like Obama’s policies and unconstitutional over-reaches ever since Obama took office in 2009 and then set to work jamming central government Obamacare down our throats. The mid-terms in 2010 and 2014 should be proof enough. And now in the 2016 General, Hillary lost by huge enough margins in states she was supposed to win. 


The election is over, and kudos are also in order to Hillary and Obama for her gracious concession and his walk around the White House to begin the transition. 

The truth is, the American people have repudiated Obama’s agenda since the 2010 mid-terms. Trump represents just the latest iteration of American’s disgust with the path we’ve been following since 2009. Trump seems to be serious about reversing nearly all of Obama’s legacy. I pray he does just that.

People Are Wearing Safety Pins to Protest Trump and Signal That They’re a ‘Safe Space

safety-pins These are also very helpful for keeping your diapers in place!

Mike Rowe – On Kissing a Cat

Another FB post worth reading from Rowe.

Huma’s Spotted for First Time After Hillary’s Loss. The ‘Before’ and ‘After’ Couldn’t Be More Striking…

boo-hoo! Dear Huma, won’t you come out to play?

Continue reading On Hell Freezes Over

The BLM email-gate TAkes!

Now we have yet another email-gate.

Hillary is most likely toast, yet the Democrat bench only seems to have Joe sitting on it.

Enjoy the BLM email Takes! (and turn your flash-blocker on)

Planet Obama

Hillary Clinton Hacked Emails For Sale

Will Hillary Clinton’s Emails Burn the White House?

The incalculable damage done

“We know now that HC had classified information on her email server because of what she turned over. What we don’t know is what she didn’t turn over. This creates a massive Counter-Intelligence (CI) problem… This action has done irreparable damage to US national security”

Clinton Admits She Destroyed Government Property

Tech company: No indication that Clinton’s e-mail server was ‘wiped’

someone is really incompetent

Peggy Hubbard’s classic rant about black lives matter after a nine year old was killed while studying in Ferguson MO.

MN Black Lives Matter Protesters Chant: “Pigs in a Blanket, Fry ‘Em Like Bacon” – YouTube

The assassin who killed two cops in NYC tweeted that he was going to put pigs in a blanket.

NFL Star Richard Sherman GOES OFF On Man Who Called For “Open Season On Crackers and Cops”

Sherman is a star in more ways than one.

Farrakhan: We Must Rise Up and Kill Those Who Kill Us; Stalk Them and Kill Them

where are the voices to condemn and/or arrest Farrakhan? The O seemingly loves it.

Message to the Black Lives Matter Movement

complete Whaley video above

…if you have a Boehner lasting longer than 23 years, seek immediate medical attention!

Articles: Donald Trump and the Revenge of the ‘Low-Information’ Voters

Biden: ‘Totally Legitimate Argument’ That Iran Can Use Sanctions Relief to Fund Terror

Yet he has no problem moving ahead with this disaster anyway

Three illegal immigrants charged with murder of Va. student

Captured: Convicted Burglar Deported 5 Times, Back in Texas

Obama claims that the border is more secure now than ever. I guess that is not saying much.

USA Today reporter covering Scott Walker’s campaign signed petition to recall him

I’d like to know what “journalists” contributed to political campaigns too.

John Kerry Appoints Clinton Donor to Oversee Email Production

nothing says transparency like hiring a Clinton partisan to oversee the release of Hillary Clinton’s email

~ remember when State conducted an investigation into Benghazi without interviewing Hillary, or producing a single document with her name on it? That was also conducted by another Clinton partisan, surprise, surprise!

FEC Must Investigate Democratic National Committee for Employing Illegal Alien to Craft 2016 Political Message

I’d be shocked if that ever happened

Obama EPA rule blocked, criticized as fed power grab over state waters

“Judge Ralph R. Erickson called the Environmental Protection Agency’s attempt “inexplicable, arbitrary and devoid of a reasoned process,” and issued an injunction preventing the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from claiming oversight of millions of acres of land that contain small bodies of water.”

Clintons Facilitated Donor’s Haiti Project That Defrauded U.S. Out of Millions

The Clintons should be prosecuted under RICO laws as a continuing criminal enterprise

What Is Obama’s Top Population-Control Freak Hiding?

Science czar John Holdren is withholding his private email too. He is the top strategist in Obama’s war on carbon, war on coal, war on the West and war on the economy.

Conservative Review – McConnell Plans to Fund Planned Parenthood

He’s funded everything else that Obama wanted

Satanists are Pro-Choice, If You Didn’t Know


Continue reading The BLM email-gate TAkes!