Rest In Peace, Jonnie Owens Gee

My mother told me that our cousin Jonnie passed last November or December from complications of Covid. Rest in peace, Jonnie Owens Gee.

Our national response to this novel virus is a disgrace. Telling patients to go home and suffer it out, and check into the hospital to die is not now and never has been a good plan when there are proven anti-viral and cheap effective drugs available when given in the first five days of infection.
I’m talking about monoclonal antibotics, as well as Ivermection and Hydroxy-Clororquin, (HCQ) administered during the early days of symptoms.
But they are not FDA approved! Guess what, the vaccines being promoted are not FDA approved either, and now we know that they don’t even work, if that means preventing you from being infected with SARS-Cov-2. Preventing infection is exactly the definition of what a “vaccine” means.
We have been prescribing off-label medications for decades. We have all heard of Viagra. ED treatment with Viagra is off label. But it works, and is happily prescribed. Think about it.
I miss you Jonnie. I’m sure I’ll see you again one day.

Di Leo: “Save Lives” or You’re a Horrible Person

By John F. Di Leo –

The nation’s reaction to the current CCP Virus epidemic has been fascinating.

It has revealed an impressive ability of many businesses to adjust their operations at a moment’s notice. It has demonstrated the great advantages offered by modern technology as tools like Microsoft Teams, Webex, GoToMeeting and Facebook Live have enabled employees and students to move their tasks from office to home. It has shown the flexibility of the logistics network as we switched over to home delivery at a moment’s notice. It has reminded the world, once again, of the huge generosity of the American people, as Americans make homemade masks and scarves, donate money and food to the needy, and generally rise to the occasion as only Americans do.

But it has also revealed such inherent cancers as individual viciousness – see how the self-righteous demonize those who don’t agree with the establishment line on dealing with it. It has revealed a tyrannical impulse in many governors, mayors and other politicians. And it has revealed some incredible hypocrisy in our body politic.

Stay Home and Save Lives! Continue reading Di Leo: “Save Lives” or You’re a Horrible Person

Rich TAkes! on Climate Change

Our Dear Leader has recently threatened to take on limiting carbon emissions through regulatory agencies, since Congress “won’t act”. I’d like to remind everybody that a Democratic controlled Senate refused to ratify Kyoto years ago by a vote of 99-0. icy thinker

Many, if not most people believe than man is on the road to causing catastrophic global warming, after all, Al Gore, Barack Obama and legions of others tell us incessantly that the science is settled, why there is even scientific “consensus”, even though the very concept of scientific consensus is antithetical to the concept of science itself.

Climate Forcing! Feedbacks, The PDO and The AMO! Aerosols, Greenhouse gases, the Sun and the Clouds, oh my! Don’t forget La Nina and el Nino, the Little Ice Age, and the Medieval Warming Period, to say nothing of cows belching and farting…and especially politics!

Here is my RichTAkes! on Anthropogenic Global Warming!

(as always, my comments appear in cayenne, and the use of a flash-blocker to disable auto-play is recommended due to multiple embedded vids.)

US physics professor: ‘Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life’

“It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion.”

American Physical Society Sees The Light: Will It Be The First Major Scientific Institution To Reject The Global Warming ‘Consensus’?

Richard S. Lindzen: The Climate Science Isn’t Settled

– Confident predictions of catastrophe are unwarranted.

Lindzen’s 2009 WSJ piece appeared after the Climategate CRU* email scandal erupted

Richard Lindzen: An Inconvenient Expert

Perhaps the preeminent US climate scientist, Lindzen  was Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was lead author of Chapter 7, ‘Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks,’ of the IPCC Third Assessment Report on climate change.


Anthony Watts has assembled a fine set of articles chronicling the Climategate scandal

Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation

from 2009

The Climategate Whitewash Continues: Don’t Believe the ‘Independent Reviews’ About Goings on at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia

from 2010

Time Mag AGW

Lennart Bengtsson: The Science And Politics Of Climate Change

The science isn’t settled and we still don’t know how best to solve the energy problems of our planet.

Reflections on Bengtsson and the GWPF

Professor Judith Curry’s take on the recent Bengtsson controversy 

Science as McCarthyism

One of the most telling features of climate science is just how few climate scientists changed their minds as the evidence changed. The pause in global temperature in the last 15 years or so has been unexpected. Now we know why:

Climate scientists slam Obama science czar on global warming

Former NASA scientist Dr. Roy Spencer and University of Colorado climate scientist Roger Pielke, Jr. slammed Holdren for his “pseudo-science rambling.”  Plenty of links here


a primer on positive and negative feedback loops.

“We check the main predictions of the climate models against the best and latest data. Fortunately the climate models got all their major predictions wrong. Why? Every serious skeptical scientist has been consistently saying essentially the same thing for over 20 years, yet most people have never heard the message.”

Continue reading Rich TAkes! on Climate Change

The Unaffordable Deadline TAkes!

Get your Obamacare by midnight tomorrow or face a penalty. Heck, just drop something in your basket, you might get covered even if you don’t check out*.

The missing 777 is still a mystery, the FBI breaks up a plot to traffic in military grade small arms, including shoulder fired rocket launchers, and the administration moves to give away control of the Domain Name System to the world…to foster “good will”????

Here is the

Late March Unaffordable RichTAkes!

[* just kidding, I’m not advising anyone to visit for any reason]

last-ditch effort from our First health insurance salesman, on SNL

Democrats sinking in sea of charges

California Democrat And Gun Control Advocate Charged With Arms Trafficking

just the tip of the iceberg of the real culture of corruption, and they all have a (D) after their name

Wyoming welder faces $75,000 a day in EPA fines for building pond on his property

He had permits in hand, and built his pond legally. It’s difficult to imagine an illegal pond at any rate, unless you work for the EPA.

On Weddings and Conscience: Are Christians Hypocrites?

An interesting, thought-provoking read.

Open the floodgates? Indiana becomes first state to scrap Common Core

Hoosiers taking the lead in the race to restore Common Sense again.

Harry Reid is even worse than Joe Biden. Reid really means it.

Biden: ‘11 Million Undocumented Aliens Are Already Americans in My View’

On the other hand…

Harry Reid’s FEC Whoopsie Not His First

Just the tip of Reid’s corruption ice-berg. Cowboy Poetry, anyone?

Comrade Majority Leader Reid going off the deep end. “Our tax system is a voluntary system”

Related: Harry Reid’s Two Minutes Hate

Glorious Majority Senate Leader’s Koch obsession becomes a full-fledged mania.

Reid on need for ObamaCare extension: People ‘not educated’ about Internet

Surprise! White House To Delay ‘Firm’ Obamacare Enrollment Deadline Past March

It’s time for White House to start sweating over legal challenge to Obamacare subsidies

this one could change everything

Continue reading The Unaffordable Deadline TAkes!

RichTAkes! on Tyrants, Red Buttons, the IRS, Bears, and the Tipping Point

In 2009, Hillary was busy pushing a red reset button with Russia, and Obama toured the world apologizing for the United States. I have no idea what he was apologizing for, we have set more people free than any people in history. Obama and Hillary were happy to jump on the Arab Spring band-wagon tossing long-time friends under the bus. Okay, in Libya’s case, it was a bad guy who suddenly discovered civility of a sort after 9/11. Last year, in Syria, this administration had no trouble backing radical jihadis, and some A-Q affiliated groups in the conflict there, a stance which may have contributed to the tragedy in Benghazi. A “Red Line” was crossed, but no one had proof who did the chemical crossing. Some guy named Vladimir Putin saved the day, when the Red Line suddenly became pink and dotted.


“Putin is playing chess and Obama is playing marbles”

I think he’s lost his marbles, but he is performing exactly as I expected. Worse than Jimmy Carter, and I didn’t think that was possible.

Did you know that Kiev was once a part of Poland, and that Poland completely disappeared prior to WWI? Germany, Russia and Austria carved it up like kids at a candy store. Whatever.  This story is still playing out, here’s a few stories for now.

And some links I’ve found interesting lately!

RichTAkes! on Tyrants, Red Buttons, the IRS, Bears, and the Tipping Point

Beware the Russian Bear

“History shows the Russian Bear’s ambitions never die, they just go into hibernation.”

~ Indiana Gov Mike Pence

Russia Prepares for Occupation After Winning Control of Crimea

▶ Mark Levin: Russia & Ukraine—Palin Was Right & The Eggheads Were Wrong – YouTube

Liberal Prof.: Obama Has Brought Us to ‘Constitutional Tipping Point’

Turley flatly rejected the Obama administration’s reason for using more executive powers, which the president claims is a gridlocked Congress. “It is simply untrue that we’re living in very different or unprecedented times. The framers lived in these times,” Turley said, noting that back then Congress used the Alien and Sedition Act to arrest opponents and Thomas Jefferson referred to his opponents as the “reign of witches.”

“This is not a different political time, and it shouldn’t be used as an excuse for extra-constitutional action,” Turley warned.

Self-identified Obama supporter delivers a must-see critique of the President

Continue reading RichTAkes! on Tyrants, Red Buttons, the IRS, Bears, and the Tipping Point

Rich TAkes! on Canola Rapeseed Oil

I have long had an aversion to cooking with canola oil, it is produced primarily in Canada from rapeseed, a cousin of the mustard plant. It is essentially a weed. There are so many, far tastier cooking oils available anyway, why use an oil which contributes no flavor to your foods?  


Here is my Rich Takes! on Canola Oil

I am not totally opposed to GMOs, I think that it is a good thing to be able to grow corn, for example, that is resistant to pests. Or tomatoes which are resistant to various diseases. Yesterday I learned a little more about rapeseed and canola oil. It is an excellent industrial penetrating oil. It is used to produce glossy paper in magazines and brochures. Lot’s of great industrial uses, but why would anyone want to eat this stuff? WD-40 might be safer, it’s primary water-displacement agent is derived from fish oil. (don’t fry with WD, it’s too expensive anyway!)

Canola is also used in many commercial peanut butters and thousands of other processed foods. I’m a firm believer in reading the labels.

This is one GMO that I am not in favor of using, and you probably won’t be either after reading the following cross post written by  for Thank you Terrell for your taking the time to research this topic which affects us all.

Continue reading Rich TAkes! on Canola Rapeseed Oil