On #All Lives Matter

I’m doing a little ketchup here. I wrote most of this over three weeks ago and never completed it. Lot’s more rioting and revolution has occurred since then, I hope to post a new update in the next day or two.

Welcome to Rich TAkes! on #All Lives Matter

I opened a can of worms by posting on FB, #All Lives Matter

It is a simple concept, yet I was surprised by the amount of push-back I received. I can’t imagine how anyone can disagree with the sentiment that all lives matter.

All lives do matter, including the unfortunate death of George Floyd recently in Minneapolis, MN. I don’t know anyone who can justify his unfortunate death under power of police. The officer who kept his boot on Floyd’s neck has been charged with 2nd, 3rd degree murder, as well as manslaughter, and the other three officers on the scene have been charged with what amounts to being accomplices to murder. All of the officers involved were dismissed and fired from duties immediately.

Unfortunately, after this ridiculous tragedy, ANTIFA, BLM, and BAMN have moved out into nearly three dozen cities, inciting riots, arson, and looting. Many if not most are supported by radical rich idiots (supporters). There is a GoFundMe page for bail for rioters which has been supported mostly by Hollywood limousine liberals. It had 20 million in donations a day or two ago. Even worse, New York’s new no-bail policy released most of those arrested as soon as they were booked.

Horowitz: Justice for George Floyd and for all of the 7,000+ black homicide victims every year

Here’s a reminder about who Black LIVES Matter really are.

Pigs in a blanket: fry ’em like bacon – YouTube

Project Veritas INFILTRATES ANTIFA: “Practice things like an eye gouge…injure someone’s eyes” – YouTube

#EXPOSEANTIFA PART II: NYC Fight Club Training “Break one of the floating ribs…” – YouTube

Opinion: Most of This Turmoil Has Been Based on a Lie

>>The demonstrations became about a lie. The demonstrations became a protest about Systemic Police Brutality based on racism. It became about police far and wide, “deliberately hunting down and killing” Black men. Groups intent on the destruction of America, or with other nefarious political purposes, began to take advantage of this misplaced outrage and began to foment full-blown riots. Out of control crowds began destroying property, maiming and killing people, looting and burning to the ground the businesses of the very people they purported to be outraged on behalf of.<<

If you see any of the illegal graffiti at any of these riots, you will see front and center “ACAB” That means All Cops Are Bastards. “1312” means the same thing. If you truly believe that, you can leave this page now, I have nothing more to say to you.

Antifa and anarchists have hijacked Floyd protests but left won’t admit it


Minnesota AG Keith Ellison’s son: ‘I hereby declare, officially, my support for ANTIFA’ 

Like father, like son.

Jeremiah Ellison, the son of AG Keith Ellison and a member of the Minneapolis city council, wrote the following in response to President Trump’s announcement that intends to designate Antifa as a terrorist organization. The younger Ellison assigned blame for the civil unrest on “white power” terrorists.

“I hereby declare, officially, my support for ANTIFA Unless someone can prove to me ANTIFA is behind the burning of black and immigrant owned businesses in my ward, I’ll keep focusing on stopping the white power terrorist THE ARE ACTUALLY ATTACKING US!”


Continue reading On #All Lives Matter

On memes

Here’s some of my more recent graphics, and another or two.

Democrats seem to be in favor of mobs, be they Antifa, Caravans, or just paid idiots getting into certain Republican’s faces while they are trying to enjoy a bite to eat. 

Democrats have been calling to disband ICE. I don’t think so, and I appreciate their service.

Sent by a life-long buddy, above.

Dems seem to love Antifacist Action, aka ANTIFA. They like communists too, and that is exactly where the roots of ANTIFA comes from. They were the Stalinist communists in Germany both before and after WWII. 

America’s first civil rights organization

Thanks for looking!